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Getting from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary

There are 3 different means of transport when travelling to Karlovy Vary from Prague Airport; taxi, private transfer or bus. Taking a Prague Airport taxi is by far the quickest and most convenient way to travel, with a door-to-door journey of 1 hour and 40 minutes. A much less expensive alternative is to take the bus. A one-way bus ticket only costs €8 (162 CZK) with an average travel time of 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Welcome Pickups offers meet and greet services and a friendly introduction to Prague at the same price as a regular taxi. Click here to see the cost.

Comparison of the options

Welcome Pickups €145 100min 24/7 Book
Taxi €145 100min 24/7
Bus €16 105min 08:00–21:00

How to get from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary by taxi

Taking an airport taxi is by far the most convenient option when it comes to travelling from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary. Keep in mind that you should always take a taxi from the official taxi ranks at the airport and that the trip should not take more than 2 hours, in normal traffic conditions.

Taxi fare from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary

Your Prague taxi fare will be calculated using a taximeter, based on the distance to your destination. That being said, the average price for a taxi from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary is €145 (CZK 3500). Tolls and surcharges may apply.

*For long trips, such as this one, it is better to book your Prague Airport taxi in advance to secure a fixed fare and a driver you can rely on.


€145 (CZK 3500)

Trip Duration

100 Min

*Rates may vary unless you book your taxi in advance.

Value for Money

Taxis are always available at Prague Airport.

Where do I get it from?

You can easily locate the official taxi ranks outside each terminal.


Taking a taxi is ideal if you do not mind the travel expenses and want to get straight to your accommodation in Karlovy Vary. All you will need to do is just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

Editor’s Note

When arriving late at night, taking a taxi from the airport to Karlovy Vary is the only transport option available.

Useful Tips

It is recommended to pay with the local currency in order to avoid being overcharged.
For long taxi trips around Prague, you can negotiate a fixed price with your driver.

How to get from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary by bus

If you’re travelling on a budget, Regio Jet Student Agency runs cheap, regular services between Prague Airport and Karlovy Vary. Student Agency’s yellow buses travel directly to Karlovy Vary up to 15 times a day, with an average travel time of around 1 hour and 45 minutes.

How much is the bus from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary?

Standard one-way bus tickets from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary cost between €7 (CZK 168) and €8 (CZK 193) depending on the time of day.

Tickets can be purchased from the Student Agency ticket counters at the arrivals hall, directly from the driver or online.


€8 (CZK 193)

Trip Duration

105 Min

Waiting time is around 1 hour.

Value for Money

Student Agency buses run from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary from 08:00 to 21:00 every day.

Where do I get it from?

The Student Agency bus stop is between P1 and parking C at Terminal 1. Just follow the bus signs once you exit the arrivals hall.


You might be surprised by the great service that the Student Agency provides. Free beverages, Wi-Fi, movies and music are offered to all travellers. However, if you’re arriving outside of the buses operating hours or don’t want to wait for an hour, taking a taxi or private transfer is your only choice.

Editor’s Note

Taking the bus is highly recommended when travelling on a tight budget. The bus is a cheap and fast private transfer option.

Useful Tips

Children under 6 years of age travel for free.
The Student Agency buses leave the airport every hour.

Welcome Pickups transfer

Welcome Pickups

Book a trained, English-speaking taxi driver to pick you up at the same price as a regular cab from the line

If you feel more relaxed knowing that somebody is waiting for you, you may as well book a Welcome Pickups transfer. As soon as you arrive at the airport you will be greeted by your driver. He will be waiting for you at the terminal of your arrival with a sign that has your name on it. Your driver will help you out with your luggage and together you will make your way to the vehicle. While he is driving you to your accommodation, the driver can give you some tips and recommendations on what to do during your holidays in Prague. Our drivers are hand-picked and speak fluent English. No need to worry about miscommunication issues that you may face with the local taxi drivers regarding your destination. Relax and enjoy your ride.

Best drivers

Hand-picked english-speaking drivers

Flight monitoring

Drivers are always on time

Quality support

24/7 email & phone support

Cancel up to 24 hours before the pickup and get an 80% refund

Edit or cancel transfers

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Same price as a regular taxi from the line


Sedan Car

4 pax, 4 pieces of luggage

Book Welcome Pickups transfer

Welcome Pickups has a Net Safety Score of 99 of 100

We’ve introduced a metric indicating how safe travellers feel when using our services during the COVID-19 pandemic. After every ride, we ask each traveller to leave a review.

  • 20 minute gap between transfers

  • Regular Car Sanitisation

  • Contactless ride

  • Sanitiser in every car

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Frequently asked questions

How much is a taxi from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary?

The estimated price of a taxi ride from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary is €145 (CZK 3500). The taxi ride takes approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes, in good traffic conditions. For a guaranteed fixed fare with no hidden fees, you can pre-book an airport taxi with Welcome Pickups and treat yourself to our fully personalised services and 24/7 customer support.

How much is a bus ticket from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary?

Standard Student Agency bus tickets cost €8 (162 CZK) per person. Tickets can be purchased from the Student Agency ticket counters, straight from the driver or online.

How far is Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary?

The distance between Prague Airport and Karlovy Vary is approximately 120 km, taking around 1 hour and 40 minutes by car.

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