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Getting from Seville Airport to Càdiz

When travelling from Seville Airport to Càdiz, there is no direct public transportation. The only direct travel option would be with a taxi or private transfer, which is likely to be expensive if not booked online, in advance at a flat rate fee. A standard Seville airport taxi, costs around €172, calculated using a taximeter, and takes approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes. Fortunately, this route is quite popular and therefore there are other public transportation options, like the train and bus, that are easy to take and are reasonably priced. Both transportation methods require a first transfer from Seville airport to either the bus station or the train station. The train journey takes around 1 hour and 40 minutes and costs €16.05. Whereas a bus trip to Càdiz takes approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes, with a one-way bus ticket costing €13.

Welcome Pickups offers meet and greet services and a friendly introduction to Seville at the same price as a regular taxi. Click here to see the cost.

Comparison of the options

Welcome Pickups €187 83min 24/7 Book
Taxi €172 85min 24/7
Bus €26 105min 07:00–21:30
Train €32.10 100min 06:40–21:50

How to get from Seville Airport to Càdiz by taxi

The quickest way to get from Seville airport to Càdiz city centre is by taxi. Seville airport taxis are very reliable, especially those stationed at designated taxi ranks. Taxis are easily recognisable as they are white with a yellow stripe down the centre of the vehicle, they also have the classic taxi rooftop sign. A taxi ride to Càdiz takes around 1 hour and 25 minutes. It is important to note that the quickest route is a toll road, that will need to be paid along the way. It is highly recommended that you agree on a price with your taxi driver beforehand, or you can also book your taxi online, in advance or at the taxi service desk in the airport.

Taxi fare from Seville Airport to Càdiz

If your taxi transfer from Seville airport to Càdiz is calculated using a taximeter, your overall trip will be expensive, around €172, plus any tolls along the way. Also, be advised that night and holiday fees may apply.

Day-time rates: (Mon – Fri from 07:00 to 09:00) the price ranges between €160 – €175.
Night-time rates: (Weekends, holidays and evenings from 21:00 to 07:00) the price ranges between €190 – €205.

During Spanish Holy Days an extra 25% may be added on to your rate.



Trip Duration

1 H 25 Min.

*Rates may vary unless booked in advance.

Value for money

Taxis are available 24/7, outside Seville airport

Where do I get it from?

The official Seville airport taxi rank is located outside the main terminal building, next to the bus stop.


Taking a taxi from Seville Airport to Càdiz is always the quickest and most comfortable option to travel. However, it is highly advised to book a taxi in advance, in order to avoid extra charges and general surprises.

Editor’s Note

It recommended to book a private transfer over hailing a taxi for this journey. Thus, ensuring a set rate fee and no bad surprises.

Useful Tips

It is important to ask your driver if he plans on taking the toll route, as you are the one that will have to pay the extra fee. However, avoiding the tolls will add an extra 25 minutes to your journey.
Drivers from the airport may refuse to take you as it is a long way to Càdiz, and they are not ensured a customer on their return route.
Remember that during holidays and festivals extra charges are applied, this adds up on for such a long journey.

How to get from Seville Airport to Càdiz by bus

Taking a bus from Seville city to Càdiz is a great option. The bus company is called “Comes” and provides very comfortable trips from Seville as the vehicles are large and air conditioned. The bus runs between Avda Carlos V (Prado de San Sebastian) in Seville and Càdiz bus station, near the centre, every couple of hours. The bus operates from 07:00 –21:30, and the journey takes roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes. There are multiple bus lines that operate this route, with some marking more stops than others.

If you wish to get to Prado de San Sebastian in order to take the bus to Càdiz, you will need to make your way from Seville airport to the bus station. From the airport, you can take the bus line Línea EA, which is a special bus line connecting the airport to the city; the bus also stops at Avda Carlos V along its way to Càdiz, and the total trip takes around 30 minutes.

How much does a bus ticket cost from Seville Airport to Càdiz?

A one-way bus ticket costs €13 and €18 for a return. Please note that the bus fare can change, depending on the time of the day, holidays or the bus line you take. You can avoid any price change by purchasing your ticket online, in advance.

A bus ticket from the airport to Avda Carlos V (Prado de San Sebastian) bus station costs € 4.



Trip Duration

1 H 45 Min.

The waiting time can be up to 2 hours for the bus.

Value for Money

The bus leaves from Prado de San Sebastian every couple of hours, Monday to Saturday between 07:00 - 21:30.

Where do I get it from?

The bus to Càdiz leaves from the Avda Carlos V (Prado de San Sebastian) bus station in the central city of Seville.

The Seville airport bus station, for your first transfer, is located outside the airport’s main terminal building.


The bus provides a relatively comfortable transfer between Seville and Càdiz. The buses are air-conditioned and depart regularly from the bus station. However, the extra trip from the airport to the Avda Carlos V (Prado de San Sebastian) station can be tiring especially after a long flight; it also means there is an extra cost to pay if you wish to take this transportation option.

Editor’s Note

Different buses stop at different locations on the way to Càdiz. It is recommended to look for your bus stop in advance, in order to get off the bus closest to your final destination.

Useful Tips

It is cheaper to purchase a round-trip ticket, however you may need to specify the day and time of return.
Make sure to give yourself plenty of time in order to navigate between stations.
Buses may not run as regularly over festivals or holy days in Spain. You should check your travel plans in advance, in case this applies for you.

How to get from Seville Airport to Càdiz by train

The train heading to Càdiz leaves from Santa Justa Train Station, in Seville city centre. The trains operates more frequently than the bus, and is often more comfortable, especially when travelling with luggage. There are two trains that make their way to Càdiz; the Media Distancia (MD) or the ALVIA. The journey takes 1 hour and 40 minutes on the standard MD train. If you are planning on taking a return trip, the overall price is cheaper when purchasing a round trip. The ALVIA train line is the fastest, as it stops less than the Media Distancia train, and takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to reach Càdiz.

In order to get to Santa Justa train station, you will need to take a bus from Seville airport. The airport has a bus line (Línea EA: Airport Special) that connects the airport to the city, stopping at Santa Justa along its route. The overall trip takes around 30 minutes.

How much is a train ticket from Seville Airport to Càdiz?

Train prices vary depending on the ticket you chose; flexible bookings and cancellation options are more expensive. However, a standard one-way ticket to Càdiz is €16.05, and if purchasing your return ticket at the same time, the return will cost €12.85. If you are buying a flexible ticket on the ALVIA train, it will cost you €23.80 and if purchasing a return trip at the same time, the ticket will cost €19.05.

A bus ticket from Seville airport to Santa Justa Train Station costs € 4.



Trip Duration

1 H 40 Min.

The waiting time can be up to 2 hours for the train.

Value for Money

The trains operate Monday - Friday from 06:40 to 21:50 / Saturdays from 07:45 to 21:50pm / Sundays from 09:30 to 21:50.

Where do I get it from?

The train to Càdiz departs from Santa Justa Train Station, in the city centre of Seville.


Taking the train from Seville to Càdiz is a great option when travelling between the two cities. Bus and train tickets are at a similar price, however, taking the train is definitely more comfortable when travelling with luggage. Unfortunately, to get to the train station you will need to take a bus from the airport, which will add additional travel time and an extra cost to your overall trip to Càdiz.

Editor’s Note

Buying train tickets at the station can be confusing - some counters only provide tickets for trains leaving in the next hour, whereas other counters are for earlier bookings. You should allow yourself plenty of time before your train journey, or better yet, book your tickets online, in advance.

Useful Tips

Buying your train tickets in advance ensures a fixed price and an easier time finding your way around the train station.
Flexible tickets are a little bit more expensive than regular ones, however, cancellation costs are cheaper.
First class options are available on some trains, although you need to book these in advance.

Welcome Pickups transfer

Welcome Pickups

Book a trained, English-speaking taxi driver to pick you up at the same price as a regular cab from the line

If you feel more relaxed knowing that somebody is waiting for you, you may as well book a Welcome Pickups transfer. As soon as you arrive at the airport you will be greeted by your driver. He will be waiting for you at the terminal of your arrival with a sign that has your name on it. Your driver will help you out with your luggage and together you will make your way to the vehicle. While he is driving you to your accommodation, the driver can give you some tips and recommendations on what to do during your holidays in Seville. Our drivers are hand-picked and speak fluent English. No need to worry about miscommunication issues that you may face with the local taxi drivers regarding your destination. Relax and enjoy your ride.

Best drivers

Hand-picked english-speaking drivers

Flight monitoring

Drivers are always on time

Quality support

24/7 email & phone support

Cancel up to 24 hours before the pickup and get an 80% refund

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Same price as a regular taxi from the line


Sedan Car

4 pax, 4 pieces of luggage

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We’ve introduced a metric indicating how safe travellers feel when using our services during the COVID-19 pandemic. After every ride, we ask each traveller to leave a review.

  • 20 minute gap between transfers

  • Regular Car Sanitisation

  • Contactless ride

  • Sanitiser in every car

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Frequently asked questions

How much is a taxi from Seville Airport to Càdiz?

A taxi from Seville Airport to the centre of Càdiz costs around €160 – €185; additional fees may apply for tolls, weekends, holidays and night-time transfers.

How far is Seville Airport to Càdiz?

The distance from Seville Airport to Càdiz is around 131.8 km, if you are taking the most direct route.

How many transfer options are there from Seville Airport to Càdiz?

There are three transfer options from Seville Airport to Càdiz; a taxi, a train and a bus. Taxis are the only transportation method that provide a direct route from the airport.

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