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Opciones de transporte desde el aeropuerto de Esmirna al Centro de la Ciudad

The fascinating city of Izmir has a rich history that dates back to the Greeks and Romans. You won’t want to miss the amazing historical sites such as the Roman Agora of Smyrna, Velvet Castle or the hilltop Kadifekale during your stay. Izmir is the perfect destination for history and culture lovers alike.

To get from Izmir airport to the city centre, you have three options; taxi, bus or train. Taking an Izmir airport taxi or private car is the most convenient transfer option as it takes around 36 minutes to reach Izmir and costs €4 (43 TRY). Another fast transfer is the Izban train, which takes just 30 minutes to reach the city centre and costs €1 (9 TRY). A great budget option is the Havas bus, which costs €1.50 (16 TRY) one-way and takes 45 minutes to reach Izmir city centre.

Welcome pickups ofrece servicios de recogida y una introducción amigable en Esmirna al mismo precio que un taxi normal. Haz click aquí para ver el precio.

Comparativa de las opciones

Welcome Pickups €1.70 32min 24/7
Taxi €0.80 45min 00:30–23:00
Autobús €0.40 50min 00:04–23:40
Tren €23 32min 24/7

How to get from Izmir airport to the city centre by taxi

The most comfortable and only direct way to travel from Izmir airport to the city centre or your hotel is by taking an Izmir airport taxi. The total journey time is just 36 minutes and taxis are available 24/7 at the airport.

Taxi fare from Izmir airport to Izmir city centre

The local taxis at Izmir airport don’t use a taximeter, nor do they have a set-rate fare for the journey into the city centre. Instead, your driver will determine the rate based on your exact destination. The average fare from Izmir airport to Izmir city centre is around €4 (43 TRY), however, you can haggle this price if you feel comfortable.


€4 (43 TRY)

Duración del viaje

36 Min.

*Prices vary unless paid in advance.

Relación calidad-precio

En el aeropuerto de Esmirna hay taxis disponibles 24/7

Where do I get it from?

You can easily spot the taxis outside of Izmir airport at both the Domestic and International Terminals. They will be in a long line to the side of the arrivals hall exit doors and clearly marked by signs.


Taking a taxi is the only way to get directly from the door of Izmir airport to the door of your hotel. Taking a private taxi is not only extremely comfortable, but it also eliminates the need to wait around for public transport or drag your luggage through bus and train stations.

Nota del editor

Los taxis en Esmirna son extremadamente baratos, por lo que incluso si viajas con un presupuesto, coger un taxi puede ser una gran opción de traslado para ti.

Consejos útiles

No todos los conductores de taxi hablan inglés, asegúrate de llevar escrita la dirección de tu hotel para evitar cualquier malentendido.
Hay un sobrecargo de 0,30€ (3 TRY) por la recogida en el aeropuerto.
El coste de un taxi del aeropuerto de Esmirna incluye a tres pasajeros.

How to get from Izmir airport to the city centre by bus

There are multiple bus options when it comes to travelling from Izmir airport to the city centre. You can take the Havas bus which is comfortable, quick and modern, or you can take the Eshot public bus lines 200, 202 or 204, which are slower and often crowded. The Havas bus costs just €1.50 (16 TRY) one-way and takes 45 minutes to reach the city centre.

How much is the bus from Izmir airport to Izmir city centre?

The cost of the Havas bus is €1.50 (16 TRY) one-way, you can purchase your tickets inside the airport before entering the bus. The public Eshot buses cost €0.30 (3 TRY) one-way. You must purchase your tickets from the driver using change in the local currency.


€1.50 (16 TRY)

Duración del viaje

45 Min.

There's an average waiting time of 1 hour for the Havas bus.

Relación calidad-precio

El autobús Havas está disponible de 00:30 a 23:00.

Where do I get it from?

The buses stop right in front of the airport office, simply follow the signs for ‘Transport’ and then step outside the airport once you reach the main airport office. The Havas bus is large, like a coach, the Eshot public buses are much smaller and have no storage underneath.


Although it’s available practically 24 hours a day, taking a bus from Izmir airport to Izmir city centre is the slowest mode of transportation. If you choose to take the public Eshot bus, you also won’t have anywhere to store your luggage, so you will need to travel light. Once in Izmir, you will need to find alternate transportation to reach your hotel.

Nota del editor

Si viajas con mucho equipaje, sugerimos coger el autobús Havas mejor que el autobús público Eshot ya que tiene bastante más espacio para el equipaje.

Consejos útiles

Asegúrate de comprar tu billete antes de subir al autobús Havas.
El autobús Havas tiene maletero para las piezas de equipaje más grandes.
Para el centro de la ciudad tendrás que bajarte en la parada Alsancak Büyük Efes Oteli.

How to get from Izmir airport to the city centre by train

Taking the Izban train from Izmir airport to the city centre is not only fast, but it’s also cheap. If you’re travelling light and on a budget, this could be a great transfer option for you. The total journey time is around 30 minutes and a one-way ticket costs just €1 (9 TRY).

How much is the train from Izmir airport to Izmir city centre?

You can’t purchase a single ticket for the Izban train, you will need to purchase a ‘3-5 Bilet’, which comes loaded with 2, 3 or 5 train rides. The cost of a 2 ride train ticket is €1 (9 TRY). You can purchase this in the airport before you get to the train from the automatic ticket machines.


€1 (9 TRY)

Duración del viaje

30 Min.

There's a 10 minute waiting time for the Izban train.

Relación calidad-precio

El tren Izban circula todos los días de 00:04 a 23:40.

Where do I get it from?

The above-ground airport train station is located directly in front of the Domestic Terminal. If you land in the International Terminal, you will need to make the 10-minute walk to the Domestic Terminal first.


Taking the train is quick and has a short waiting time. However, there’s not much luggage space available, so you will need to travel light. Plus, once you arrive in Izmir city centre, you will need to find alternate transportation to get to your hotel, adding time and cost to your journey.


Nota del editor

Aunque coger el tren es una buena opción para ahorrar, no es la más cómoda. Así pues, si viajas con 3 o 4 personas más, puedes dividir el coste de un taxi y pagar el mismo precio que por el tren.

Consejos útiles

No puedes comprar un billete de tren simple, tienes que adquirir uno de 2 viajes al menos.
Hay estantes para el equipaje al final de cada vagón.
Bájate en la 10ª estación (Alsancak) para el centro de la ciudad.

Traslado Welcome Pickups

Welcome Pickups

Reserva los servicios de un conductor formado y con inglés fluido por el mismo precio que un taxi tradicional

Si te tranquiliza saber que alguien te estará esperando cuando llegues, reserva tu traslado con Welcome Pickups. Tu conductor personal te recibirá en el aeropuerto; te estará esperando en la terminal de llegadas con un cartel con tu nombre. Te ayudará con tu equipaje y os dirigiréis juntos al vehículo. Además, mientras os dirigís a tu alojamiento, el conductor podrá ofrecerte algunos consejos y recomendaciones sobre qué hacer durante sus vacaciones en Esmirna. Todos nuestros conductores son seleccionados cuidadosamente y hablan inglés con fluidez. Así que no tendrás que preocuparte de tener problemas de comunicación sobre tu destino, como podría ocurrir con los taxistas locales. Relájate y disfruta de tu viaje.

Los mejores conductores

Con inglés fluido, elegidos cuidadosamente

Monitorización de vuelos

Conductores siempre puntuales

Servicio de asistencia de calidad

24/7 por email y por teléfono

Cancela hasta 24 horas antes de la recogida y obtén un reembolso del 80%.

Editar o cancelar traslados

Leer más Reserva tu traslado con Welcome Pickups

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cómo se va del aeropuerto de Esmirna al centro de la ciudad?

There are three ways to get from Izmir airport to the city centre; taxi, bus or train. Taking an Izmir airport taxi or private car takes just 36 minutes to reach Izmir and costs around €4 (43 TRY). Taking the Havas bus is a slower option, but cheaper. It takes around 45 minutes to get from Izmir airport to Izmir city centre and costs €1.50 (16 TRY). The Izban train is another quick transfer option as it takes just 30 minutes and costs €1 (9 TRY).

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